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Gies A Gobble Felate Me Boak Vomit Bamstick or Bampot Person of dubious intellect Numpty insult Fool Chebs Breasts Tube/Choob Idiot Ba' heid Ball head Balloon Idiot Comin' the cunt Trying to be a smart arse Yer ba's are a' beef Your balls are all beef (i.e. talking crap) Poch/Pogue Mahon Kiss my arse (from insult Gaelic) Tumshie heid Turnip Head Yer arse Retort to an unbelievable tale Buftie Homosexual man insult Cludgie Toilet Dingy Turd (Dumfries area) Plooky Spotty, pimply Erse bandit Predatory male homosexual Ooh yah cun'! Oh my god! Ooh yah hoor! Oh my god! Pummle Beat, thump Rapido Fast punching Whoopa Thump Hoor o'e beatin' One good kicking / beating Sleekit wee basturt Thin mischievous little bastard See yon cun' Look at that stranger over there Cunt Woman, disliked male Awa tae fuck! Away to fuck i.e. get lost Fuckin' rocket Idiot Shag yer mer Shag your mother Fuck yer fer Fuck your father Coupin Face Fat mer fucker Fat mother fucker Tango on yer puss Stamp on your face Razz Be sick Jizz they bitches Sex with woman Fancy a doin'?