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my sperm!) Sa-mi bagi mana-n cur si sa-mi faci laba la cacat Stick your hand in gigglechick.com my ass and jerk off my shit Ce pula mea vrei? What the fuck do you want? gigglechick.com (lit. What in my dick do you gigglechick.com want?) Te fut in cur pana-ti plombez cariile I'll fuck you up the ass till I fix your dental decays Te bat de te caci pe tine I'm going to beat you until you shit your pants Te sparg la buci I'll fuck your ass until it cracks (lit. I'll break your ass) M-a futut To fuck someone over (lit. he fucked me) Sugi pula si cu curu si cu gura Suck my dick with your asshole and your mouth Du-te dracu cu mata aia curva Go to hell with that whore you have as a mother Futu-ti icoana pizdelor matii Fuck your mother's pussy icon Da-mi-ai limbi in cur sa-mi ciufulesti cacatul Stick your tongue in my ass and dishevel my shit Caca-m-as cu bucati de pula in pizda matii I shit dick pieces in your mother's pussy Sufla-ti-as cu curul in lingura cand te arde ciorba la gura I can blow farts in your spoon when the soup is too hot for you Spala-te pe dinti ca vin cu pula in inspectie Brush your teeth, my dick will be inspecting soon!