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And the way you erin go bragh seem to think you're all better than me and my bf. Oooh, you have a recording studio, big fucking deal! I have a mental illness that has progressed steadily throughout the duration of this course, how's that? Why don't you all fuck erin go bragh off and die in a painful way? I hate erin go bragh you all. I used to like you all but the few of you who did drugs turned the decent ones among us into stoners too. Now it's just me and my bf who don't do drugs, so we are left out. We're always on our own. SO YOU CAN GO AND FUCKING ROT IN A CORNER, CROUCHED OVER WITH BLACK FEET CAUSE YOU'VE SHOT UP ONE TO MANY TIMES, AND I WILL LAUGH AND DANCE AND THINK 'FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU INTO ETERNITY.' Fucking stoners. link To my classmate, You brag about things that DON'T BLOODY EXIST, like the famed family fortune that you're heir to and that you are a son of a *quote* gazillionaire who could kill you all and pay off the police so they wouldn't tell*Unquote* and a bunch of shit like that.