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She covers me up. She folds my clothes. She straightens something, a plane or whatever. We will talk fucking free about that some other time, when there is more chance to talk, fucking free alright?       Suddenly in her got-out-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed voice.       Bye, sleep tight.       Bye.      Bye, sweetheart.       Bye.       Not until now do I notice fucking free that the lamp is hanging above her head, that her lips curl up. That she is beautiful, Mammarosa.       Byebye.       The frogs are ugly. I spotlight them one by one with my flashlight. (Actually flashlights are useless. When you shine them into your mouth so that your cheeks turn a very funny red, you don't scare a soul anymore. Everyone already knows the trick, even Mammarosa's friend.) glar. If you accidentally doze off and the flashlight is aimed at your face, your eye sockets scorch away within one hour.
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