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Only that spot. Nowhere else. Nor did they get inside that roof and DRAIN any water that may be sitting there or, hell, I don’t know, check for deadly mold and things of that jennifer ledbetter nature. Why that’s just asking far too much.) Where my archway is? Not where the roof leaks. But hey, that’s jennifer ledbetter normal. I wonder if I should report it because I’m still not Miamiized, (as I like to call it), and I still do actually give a shit about other people besides myself. I am moving, by choice, because I am tired of living jennifer ledbetter in a ghetto building that will fall like dominoes in the next strong hurricane. I am tired of wondering if the next big rain fall will collapse the roof entirely, perhaps while I’m at work, and I will be banned from entering my own apartment to retrieve anything and have to live in some sleeping bag in a shelter. Others here do not necessarily have the means to move and I worry for them.