jersey city, nightlife, cook & moore, rock, ming dynasty, sights, velvet acid christ calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix) letras, ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports, classic rock, personal essays, jack off, meet the parents, ha ha, alternative hip hop,
The first time they came over, I had the day off and was home but they did not even knock. I was sitting here at my computer, in my pajamas when I heard someone trying to get in my door. That scared the crap out of me because I was told they were not going to show that day. (This was the day I had careers signed the lease to my careers new place.) Now they knock, but, in true Miami fashion, they do not give you enough time to get to the door nor can they, apparently, careers hear you when you say, “Just one minute!” at the top of your lungs because you are half dressed and in the middle of washing your face. So yesterday morning I had decided to pull my backside out of bed even though my alarm was not set to go off for another 15 minutes and thankfully I did this. They came not5 minutes after I got out of bed and I was in the bathroom, soap on my face when I hear a knock at the door.