Bite me. There's a floyd anderson (ii) fucking mother

swearing, sound, phish, photographs, relationship, personal, and numbers, buy, musicians, local, venezuelan, cinema, jack straw., satire, wankers, canadian journalism, fucking mother, jin ping mei, tv shows, movie quotes, picture, sustainable development, The girl MUST be talking about Paul! This guy was UNBELIEVABLE. aaaaaaaah! floyd anderson (ii) Total Doormat w/NO opinions of his own. Example: me: The weather in Fargo this winter has been so temperate. Paul: Yes it has. me: We have been so blessed. Paul: Yes we have. ...the catch being that he was in SAN DIEGO. I was the one in Fargo! What a loser. floyd anderson (ii) (I KNOW it's bad karma...right now the pain(Jason) is a bitter taste of copper chunks in my stomach.. can floyd anderson (ii) anyone relate?????) "      -miti   [2002-03-28 02:35:56] "You know, my son IS the sweetest thing...usually... ;) And no one will EVER say he doesn't have an opinion!!! Love you!!!"      -Your Mom   [2002-03-28 17:29:43] "Opinions and curse words--they make the world go 'round."      -trav   [2002-03-31 20:50:16] (7 comments) Date: 2002-03-27 13:44:20 (Author: trav) Link:
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Bite me. There's a difference between a "nice guy" fucking mother and a "dork". [KISS 99.5 fucking mother Buzz Bands Vol. 3] Comments: "You're the best nice guy, and you're not like that. But that could be because you're a one-of-a-kind gift from God, but hey. That's just me talking."      -Nicole   [2002-03-27 18:30:46] "No, he is. But, Travis,..."...because we're related.""      -D*   [2002-03-27 19:27:00] "We should find out the names of the comedians who sang fucking mother that song..."      -trav   [2002-03-27 19:59:06] "I've heard that song! I saw it on Comedy Central once :)"      -Nicole   [2002-03-27 22:43:09] "omigod.
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