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Not only are cats and dogs living together, but now this? Save us, Senator Santorum! 2. Suddenly, for some reason he could not immediately identify, Mahatma Gandhi felt very much alone. 3. "You missed a building, Mmnp-Zorg! sweep back again!" 4. jennifer ledbetter "Oh, Mister Diddy, you are jennifer ledbetter wicky-wicky-wack! everybody put your palms together!" 5. What CAN'T Devo teach us? 6. "No sir....I don't like it." "[call the police!]" 7. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to have your wardrobe critiqued." 8. LENO'S FAMOUS CHIN EXCAVATED - jennifer ledbetter FILM AT 11 9. Remember, the main job of the bridesmaids is to make the bride look good by comparison. Posted by: HWRNMNBSOL at October 5, 2005 09:52 AM 1. The Incredibly Tacky Journey 2. Finalists in the 194th Annual Harrumph-Off 3. [I'm not touching the GL reference] 4. P. Diddy and Martha share a laugh over the different meaning "ballin'" had back in prison. 5. "I'm Bono!" "No, *I* am Bono!" "I am Bono as well!"