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nakamichi2: huh nakamichi2: i am not Hooked on Cock: yes you were Hooked on Cock: you touched fucking my breasts, then sucked on my nipples Hooked on Cock: do you love your mother? nakamichi2: huh , lol ok nakamichi2: anyhow , want me to go on ? nakamichi2: or forget about it nakamichi2: ? Hooked on Cock: yes, please continue nakamichi2: ok , nakamichi2: i then would keep touching you nakamichi2: going in and out faster and faster Hooked on Cock: do you think fucking I want you to go fast? nakamichi2: oh god nakamichi2: i said fucking i dont do this nakamichi2: i dont know what to say Hooked on Cock: don't do what? Please explain. nakamichi2: nevermind nakamichi2: cya later Hooked on Cock: Okay, I apologize for disturbing your train of thought nakamichi2: sorry i didnt work out Hooked on Cock: no, please don't leave Hooked on Cock: I would like you to continue - I'm getting very hot nakamichi2: its cool , cya around Hooked on Cock: I would like to make you feel good, too nakamichi2: well what would you like me to do to you ?