audio, portillo, uruguayan, music, tshirt, david beers, dining, plays, interviews, bangs, ray, reviews, your mother's got a penis, afiliate, 2001, hollywood, robert b. weide, calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix),
- I’m ignorant? Me? Let’s look confidential at your keen sense of confidential grammar in that last retort. Here’s how it should look, you Mississippi Public-School educated jackass: “Bill, you are an ignorant mother-fucking waste of a human. Shut the fuck up you piece of shit.” If you’re going to attempt to insult me, at least get it right. - great grammer u fuckin terd - You have a witty sense of argument. Did you think of that before or after you orally serviced your mother? Yeeee-Haaa!!!! Set on my face at the race… bamatide confidential Apr 26, 2004 7:40 pm bill you are a piece of shit fag Bill_Evitch Registered Apr 26, 2004 7:41 pm And you, Bamatide, clearly belong between those two.