audio, portillo, uruguayan, music, tshirt, david beers, dining, plays, interviews, bangs, ray, reviews, your mother's got a penis, afiliate, 2001, hollywood, robert b. weide, calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix),
He is sort of like a make money cat that way. And my parents have a fenced yard, but as mom went to look for him, she saw that one of the gates was ever-so-slightly open. Which meant that Bo could have gotten out. And "out", to my dogs, means "made an immediate beeline for the street, make money in order to hitchhike their small, brown way out of my home and off to a compound in Guam, where they will forever make money be free from the yoke of DIET DOG FOOD, because I am SO EVIL TO THEM." So she panicked, and immediately began sprinting all over the yard, and the neighbor's yard, and up to the street, and all over Buckhead, pretty much, screaming, "BOOOOO" as loudly as a Southern lady can scream (and that is actually pretty loud, y'all). But still: no Bo. So she COMPLETELY freaks out, runs back to the house to call me on my phone to tell me that DOG IS FREE, REPEAT, DOG IS FREE, and she runs into the kitchen, and immediately trips over Bo, who had been chilling out in his dog bed THE ENTIRE TIME.