bloodymother fucking asshole, nxne, jennifer ledbetter, glossary, rita bennett (iii), careers, weekly, clean jokes, rock/pop, sauna, ecards, comic strip live, relationships, fiction, robert matheu,
They think the whole world owes them something, becuase jack off loads of their ancestors died in the war. 40 million russians died in the second world war, they don't moan about it! Fucking kikes. fucking money loving people jack off Carlton Palmer He is a lanky fuck witted ugly cunt. He is too tall by far, his head is way too jack off small for his lanky bastard body and he has got too much attitude, the queer fucking motherfuker and he smells of piss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Me (Ed: and you'll be John Burns, GAYS AND LESBIANS I HATE GAYS AND LESBIANS. GAYS SHOULD GET THEIR PENIS'S RIPPED OFF,BY A HUNGRY LION AND THEN HAVE THEM SURGICALLY ATTACHED TO THEIR CHINS.LESBIANS SHOULD BE SHITTED ON,THEN SET ON FIRE.FAGGOTS ARE THE SCUM OF THE WORLD AND THEY SHOULD ALL DIE AND ROTT INHELL YOU PANSY ASS MOTHER FUCKING QUEER ASS BITCHES!!