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And another one comes grovelling back! Check out the grovel gallery for a truly simpering read! Puff Daddy He is a fucking nigger and a dumb cast away ass, or more likely, Clif Hope at YOU GUYS cast away SUCK!!! You guys have a lot of nerve to want to slap people.Especially if they are dead.I think that person who mentioned Princess Dianas name is an idiot.I would so like to slap,punch and do even cast away more than that to you all.Maybe you guys should think about your actions before they are put in place.I think all of these abusive web-pages should be shut down immediately.You people ar en't setting a good example for those young children out there.You better stop this nonsense!!! I hope I have helped and made you see that you are the ones who will have to change they way you are making the computer for kids! John Cantafio