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Unfortunately, there's really wordpress 1.5 nothing special to the music in terms of being a breakthrough in any way except for the fact that it's a bunch of black guys kickin' out hard-core speed metal. For me, it's just refreshing to hear people goin' the fuck off in every way they wordpress 1.5 see fit. (Can wordpress 1.5 I just say right now that Insane Clown Posse has to be the biggest joke-of-a-band ever semi-foisted upon the public? I don't know why that came up. I think it was in terms of me saying it was always refreshing to hear people goin' the fuck off. ICP sorta does that, but they're god-awful in so many ways. And that's my opinion after listening to a few songs of theirs four years ago. There.) What Ice-T had effectively done with this album is push the envelope even further towards defining our belief in the idea of free speech in this country. Yeah, he might've seemed overly crass to the point of making a fool of himself, but that's his god damn right.