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welcome to the cult. Give us all your money, put on this robe, and drink this poisoned Kool-aid." -trav [2002-04-28 21:46:04] "Travelonious, it threads isn't nice to offer your friends stale kool-aid. At least offer it to them in a threads chilled glass." -D* [2002-04-30 11:52:01] (4 comments) Date: 2002-04-24 16:41:38 (Author: trav) Link: This is really good. Comments: "Well, my son, I remember a fourth grade teacher telling me that my son was a male FOURTH GRADE!!!! (Did I spell that correctly???)" -Your Mom [2002-04-24 20:45:47] "If we're onto spell-check and grammar now, ask Travis if one refers to Congress threads as 'they' or 'it.' Did you really call me to ask that, Travelonious, or was it a dream?" -D* [2002-04-24 22:23:32] "Aww, family's ganging up on ya Travis.