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Keep it simple - fruit, vegie dips, french bread, savoury biscuits, cheese and other bite sized goodies. Drink Encourage beer drinkers to bring cans, not stubbies - broken glass doesn't help! Plastic cups are handy. Arrival You may need to have someone (someone cute may help!) greeting party guests with shorts on - but if possible it's best if they're naked. Guests must take all their clothes off when they arrive. Have picture paper bags ready to put clothes in. Breaking the ice It helps to break the ice if you have asked some experienced wankers to come a picture bit picture earlier so they can be there (naked and ready to go!) when others arrive. Rules You may want to have a list of the rules for the night posted up and clearly visible to arriving party goers. Dealing with inappropriate behaviour : If you've clearly explained in your invitation what kind of party it is then it is unlikely you'll see non-JO behaviour going on. If you do, your close presence as host should cool things.