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Posted screensaver by: Wendy | March 10, 2006 12:42 PM GC you're my hero. Posted by: kima | March 10, 2006 10:26 AM Wow. That guy needs some serious empathy training. Right after he gets out of the emergency room screensaver to pull your boot out of his ear. Way to not just sit there and take that! Oh, and Vivianne... that's just messed up. Did you really think he'd be a sweetheart after that? What a jerk he is! Posted by: Hillary | March 10, 2006 10:21 AM WAY TO GO!!! I have screensaver worked in customer service and this is never acceptable for someone to talk to you like that. This is the root of what is wrong with this country... Lack of compassion. I mean if you got the bill paid with someone else just fine he did all that to just be an ass. Shame on him and I hope they ream his ass good for the way the talked to you. Ok enough of my rant LOL Posted by: trinity | March 10, 2006 09:54 AM Hi Erin, That's too bad you had to deal with a jerk like Zachary.