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Proof that Liberals aren’t the sharpest marbles in the jar…. and proof that LIBERALS WANT AMERICA TO LOSE THE WAR. Another example that proves that LIBERALS ARE TRAITORS. Look at page 16 of the Al Qaeda Training Manual that was found during a raid in Iraq. metrotimes Hey LIBERALS .. Thanks for helping the enemy. Thanks for being a TRAITOR. GOOD JOB! metrotimes 60 Hysterical Woman Mar metrotimes 11th, 2006 at 12:37 am …sharpest marbles in the jar… Tina, make like a tree and get the hell out of here! 61 mythago Mar 11th, 2006 at 12:40 am Anyway, I’ve always found the command “Support the troops!” to be hollow and meaningless. It’s a reaction to the inexcusable treatment of returning soldiers from Vietnam, who were largely poor and working-class young draftees being spit on by college students.