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Your mom Kartik Fucker Jason Full of Shit The Dark Pope holy shit martin scorsese Gandalf Kevin Gold Giant Squid black holes Rebecca's cock God and His Prophet Lucifer and Cardinal Scarmillione Tony Blair and Tony Vila Great Cthulhu and Warren martin scorsese Grammar Nazi Cody Emily Grand Vizier Tony Grounded Kaitlin The Cheat Harlan Ellison Harlan Ellison Hell The absence of God You can't Stop the Beat NonCons Cons Episode 1 Heteronormative Relationality Structure Harlan Ellison Aragorn and Arwen Holy Shit Noam Golgotha Demon Kaitlin just nominated a pointer! HRSFA Legal Counsel Mindy S. Klenoff Wolfram & Hart Croup martin scorsese & Vandemar Your mom Novalis I read it on the Internet HRSFA HQ The Kong Hotel Kant Castle Von Korff Your Mom Lowell JCR Jimenez Reading Room Old Country HRSFA Officer Board Dance, puppet, dance the stick a 2-by-4 with a nail in it Joffrey Von Korff Kaitlin Kaitlin Catelyn Daenerys Kaitlin's Army The freshmen pointer to cutest couple idiot Anime mages Kickable The Cheat pointer to The Cheat