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The use of "fvssy" for "fussy" is technically unnecessary, since the latter is nowhere considered profane.) This particular wav sound files alteration is in common usage at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where students use it in reference to the inscriptions on MIT"s neoclassical buildings, in which the letter U is replaced by V. A typical coinage in this idiom would be "I'm fvcked by the wav sound files Institvte".Some have claimed that the word "fuck" is more commonly used among blue collar workers than professionals, and that it is therefore a trademark of the lower social classes. However, this claim is unsupported and wav sound files largely untrue: college students, predominantly middle- and upper-class, frequently use the word among themselves, but more rarely with professors and authority figures. What is true is that the word is more accepted in some social circles than others— truck drivers at lunch would probably meet no reproach using the word "fuck" with co-workers, while it would be very hazardous to a corporate executive's career to use it during a professional presentation.