entertainment, fucking mother, information, lust, barbs, russell, contemporary singer/songwriter, jack straw., radiohead, gta, media, x men, david steinberg, goldielookin chain your mother's got a penis lyrics, grow marijuana, how i met your mother rating, robert de niro, ip address,
You can take your $18,000 dollar bonus and shove it up your ass! I am not staying. I am not flying share this shit anymore. I am share not going to go and break the rules for you anymore. Iam not going to turn motors when I know the maint. log books aren't worth the paper they are written on. I am not doing your fucking log run share in this weather when you can't even get me the bare minimum flight time to keep my skills up. I am not going to anymore safety stand downs about leadership and seatbelt use. I am not going to listen to another fucking Major who has lost his soul and cares more about the taste of his coffee in the morning than if his people had time to even eat chow today. I will not do this. I will not get another phone call about a friend of mine who is now dead, because you bend the rules to make mission, because you can't say NO to anyone. We are broke damn it.