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fuck link send redefine 2 up, 3 sound bytes down Early American acronym sound bytes for the criminal charge of rape. Forcible and unlawful carnal knowledge. F.U.C.K. You Joe Brown on or about the fourth day of march 1788 did commit an act of forcible and unlawful carnal knowledge upon Judy smith by Ken Nov 29, 2002 50. fuck link send redefine 4 up, 6 down sound bytes An acronym dating from Medieval England: Fornication Under Consent of King The king says we can only fuck while bonded by marriage, but what the hell, spread 'em! tags fuck king abbreviation acronym medieval by IJM New York Jan 15, 2006 264 definitions: prev 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 next home | add | edit | wall | book | press | daily email | ads | tools | newest Urban Dictionary is not appropriate for all audiences. ©1999-2006. terms of service | feedback | tools | rss calendar | advanced search | site statistics | about candleblog | User Functions Username: Password: Don't have an account yet?