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I believe that we have an unparalleled opportunity to derive more meaningful measures by studying the before, interim and after measurements of surgical patients through out the duration of their weight loss. I've often thought of approaching surgeons who perform these surgeries with an norelco interest in recruiting sizing study participants. If I had the means (infrastructure) to manage such a study of bariatric patients, I'd apply for norelco funding and grants. I can only hope that those with the means of norelco managing such a potential study will take my suggestion seriously enough to pursue it. Posted by Kathleen Fasanella at August 12, 2005 11:58 AM | Email to a friend Comments This is an interesting idea, but I don't agree that bariatric patients would be the ideal group. Surely the fact that the subjects start off overweight and then lose weight would be problematic in that the smaller body wouldn't necessarily resemble the body of someone who has never carried extra weight with all the metabolic adjustments that entailed.