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Wade. Instead, many legislatures continue to chip away at abortion access while awaiting the outcome of nude housewife legal and electoral showdowns. In Missouri, the anti-abortion governor and largest anti-abortion group have expressed tactical doubts about a new proposal to prohibit most abortions. In Georgia and Oklahoma, states where anti-abortion sentiment is high, lawmakers are debating bills that would add new hurdles for women seeking abortion but are nude housewife not considering bans. Monday, March 6, 2006 BONNIE nude housewife ERBE: Women and the workforce (SH) - The New York Times' bizarre and suspiciously predetermined editorial effort to talk women out of working continued last week with a front-page article emblazoned with the headline, "Stretched to Limit, Women Stall March to Work." The gist of the story is women's workforce participation grew at a "blistering pace" between the 1950s and the mid-1990s.
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