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Matrix: A Collection of Resources for the Study of Women's Religious Communities, 500-1500 - "Ongoing collaborative effort by an international group of scholars of medieval history, religion, history of art, archaeology, religion, and other disciplines, as well as librarians and experts in computer technology. Our goal is to document indiansalwar kameez the participation of Christian women in the religion and society of medieval Europe." Medieval Feminist Index: Scholarship on Women, Sexuality, and Gender - Coordinated by Margaret Schaus, a librarian at Haverford College, and compiled by a group of librarians and scholars, the MFI is a bibliographic database covering journal indiansalwar kameez articles, essays, and book reviews on women, gender, and sexuality. It has over three thousand records for 1994-1998 publications that are searchable by author, title, subject heading, geographic area, century and article type. Medieval Women - McMaster University MentorNet - Subtitled the National Electronic Industrial Mentoring Network for Women in Engineering and Science, this nonprofit organization pairs women studying science and engineering with with professional scientists and engineers working in industry.Model
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