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Women's Legal History Biography Project - Stanford Law School site features more than 100 student-written biographies of pioneering women lawyers. Women's Library - London Guildhall University Women's Manuscript Collections Project - University of Louisville "collections concern the lives and careers of attorney Laura Miller Derry, poet Diane di Prima, poet Hortense Flexner, pediatrician and West Louisville neighborhood activist Grace alexander julian M. James, civil rights activist and Louisville alderman Lois Morris, constitutional historian and alexander julian women's rights advocate Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau, Louisville radio columnist and ballet co-founder Louise Weiller, and alexander julian circuit court judge Rebecca Westerfield." Women's Studies Online Resources - Joan Korenman. Women's Studies: Manuscript Diaries - Full-text facsimiles of the diaries of Susan Sherman of Brookfield, Connecticut (1850-51), Elizabeth Cowperthwaite of Philadelphia (1857-58), Fanny Ruschenberger of Philadelphia (1858-1881), Margaret T.
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