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Sex between two partners does more than smoke satisfy an instinctual itch. It is a form of intimacy and unspoken communication that sets the marital relationship above and beyond even the closest of friendships otherwise. Without sex, this unique bond is broken and you may as well be living with that guy you like to meet for coffee but would never have considered marrying because smoke he has hair in his ears. What does ths mean when your partner does not wish to have sex? It means smoke he or she has broken one of the convenants of your partnership. Trickily enough, it also means that if you give in to your hormones and sleep with someone else, you are breaking another one of those convenants: your pledge to keep that particular bond unique to your partner. What's a girl to do? Frankly, Mom believes you can't fight nature. Mom believes that a woman in her mid-forties -- for the first time in her entire fucking life -- is finally hormonally-positioned to enjoy the hell out of sex. In short, Mom believes you ought to be getting it as often as possible.