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The first step in any hate program is to demean the target group, as your game demeans Jesus Christ and his older women younger men sex followers. I simply draw the parallel. I am sure you could devise many less offensive "games." Dr. Bradley Robinson Associate Professor of older women younger men sex Music University of Mississippi robinson@olemiss.edu Hold on one second! A humorous depiction of religious and/or older women younger men sex political groups aligns ones self with the Nazis? Do you actually foresee the rounding up and shackling of the Christian community in America? Are you suggesting that comical illustrations that criticize a group is nothing short of hate? Shame on you, you alarmist fraidy-cat! And you're a college professor?? The difference, my poor victimized friend, is that no one is demanding your destruction or elimination, accusing you of being an animal, demon or lesser life form. Christ! The drawing doesn't even suggest harm unto you! It's a joke, Brad! At the very worst, it's just calling you silly.