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Obviousely you have no spiritual relationship with Him. What you have done is extremely offensive to me as a Christian. I would hope homepage you would remove this homepage vile depiction of Jesus from your web site and never make it available for sale. homepage Sincerely David Bycroft david@tyrochristian.org Hello David. Let me start this by telling you right off the bat, I will not be removing my site off the Internet any time in the near future. Okay, now that we got that out of the way, I'd like to tell you why I do not take your email very seriously at all. #1. You do not know me and you have no clue as to why I'm doing what I'm doing on the site. #2. You believe in spirits and human gods and people who flew in the sky and raised the dead with God's magic. #3. You're offended by a drawing on the web. I mean, who cares? Grow up. Jeesh! #4. Spiritual relationship? What the fuck is that?? Talking to the dead? Like Luke and Obi-Won Kenobi? Do you really talk to spirits? Seriously? #5.