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Posted by: sara | February 27, 2006 05:23 PM Hope all is well with your mother, and that you are doing well, also. Posted by: Fran | February 27, 2006 04:39 PM Oh, and PinkFrosting? As far as the cop was concerned, I am sure that Gigglemom would have told Erin to get his number if she were able. Get a grip. Posted magnolia by: Zandria | February 27, 2006 03:32 PM Uh, PinkFrosting, The magnolia absolute very LEAST you can do is dig deep somewhere in your cold, malicious heart and have a little compassion for magnolia Erin, okay? Or a little respect. You must be a really fucked up individual to come on Erin's site and post something as ridiculous as that when Erin is already hurting and stressed as it is with having to deal with all that is going on! Erin told you to fuck off, but I am going to pray for you. Posted by: Zandria | February 27, 2006 03:31 PM That is very lousy news for you both.