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Via AFP: Asked about the case, Los Angeles police said they would not be pursuing Spears. "We didn't attend audio clips the incident and the baby wasn't hurt. I don't think the DA audio clips (district attorney) is going to open an investigation," a department spokesman told AFP. Several Hollywood stars have complained in recent months of incidents with paparazzi, including Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon. In reaction, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, himself formerly a top movie star, agreed to toughen laws regarding people who aggressively take photographs or recordings. audio clips The new rules came into effect on January 1. The car-crash death in August 1997 of Britain's Princess Diana as she was fleeing paparazzi in Paris highlighted the issue of aggressive photographers who take lucrative, intimate and embarrassing pictures of celebrities. 131. Posted by hermanita on February 7, 2006 05:16 PM Well so what if she goes to jail? She's not gonna stay there; she's just gonna pay to get out.
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