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Richard Lewis: Pussy pigfucker! Cheryl: God damn you motherfucking bitch! Susie Greene: Fuck you, you car wash cunt! I HAD A DENTAL APPOINTMENT! Man: Boobs? Douchebag? French Rimjob? Man: Boy cock, girl cock, E-I-E-I-O. [everyone list of proverbs starts laughing] Man: Are you Jewish? Larry David: You want to check my penis? Jeff Greene: [Jeff is carting around Suzie's dog, a German Shepard] Boy, you seem to really like Oscar. Larry David: It's not every day list of proverbs that you get to be affectionate around something German, it just doesn't happen that often. Richard list of proverbs Lewis: Can't we have lunch or something and discuss this? Larry: I can't. Richard Lewis: Why not? Larry: I've been auctioned off for some charity. Richard Lewis: What is this, "Roots"? Cheryl: [Larry discusses becoming a restaurant host] I thought you didn't like talking to people. Larry David: I don't like talking to... to people I KNOW, but strangers, I have no problem with. Jeff Greene's Mother: Why did you have to put those clothes of Jeff's, just throw them in...
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