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about, punk, webcam, dawn french, grow journal, tshirthell, grow marijuana, open mic, pictures, information, rss heavy metal, wordpress themes, blogs, downloads, movie sounds wavs, baiters, 1957, barbed quotes, family fun, WTF IS THISS BULLSHIT. FUcking emos should gofuck them selfevs ah!1254nunyaI support this afilliate petition. EMO IS THEREASON WHY OUR CULTURE SUCKS1253Lindsay YOU PEOPLE ARE STUPID YOU CANT PETITION AWAYEMO.. ARE YOU THAT DUMB? AND WHAT ABOUT afilliate MIMES? WHO THEFUCK SAID ANYTHING ABOUT MIMES?? YOU PEOPLE ARE STUPID1252DougEmo are kids that need to just get out of thecloset, worthless no real problem cock suckingwanna be different no good mascara pieces ofshit........with razor burns1251calumEmos are dumb, only because they make themselvesMORE depressed, and never make things better.otherwise theyre fine. + heavy metal ROCKS and iCAN beat the afilliate SHIT out of anyone who says Motorheadsuck.1250emo is for emocrats (you know,bleeding ass liberals)I support this petition.1249Yes
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                    EMO SUCKS LETS GET RID OFF ITCreated by zakk darko on February 19th, 2005 at 10:20 pm AST EMO is the gayest bullshit ever NameComments1258lizWTFreak is the point of emo anyways. it's justa reason for people who don't fit in anywhereelse to pictures think their pictures life is crap and cry about it.emos are fags..worse than that. they'rewanna-be fags. they're so dumb they're noteven pictures real fags..get a grip on life u gay emos..!1257anti emoEmo people are wimps and little bitches someoneneeds to give them something to cry about1256dsdghgh 1255-[WeeZle]-Wow emoKids really sucks ass... Take this emoaction for example----> Yesterday iwent to the global gathering ( included NIN, Robzombie, Avenged sevenfold, coheed and cambria anda bunch of other kickass bands! Awsone shit. Okback on the subject i saw a bunch of Emo fuckswalking by with skateboards (lmao they couldenteven olie =P) But when they were about to go intothe concert the security said no skateboards =Swhen they heard this they all when to a corner andstarted to cry while slithing there wrists..
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