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You’ll have to bbs grow a goatee and get an earring and then the only chicks that will screw you will have blue hair and pale flabby skin. Do you want a Howie Mandel experience? And for the sake of Christ, please don’t do that fucking comb-over. You’re no billionaire.It’s time to accept reality. Your hair is falling out. You bbs had a good run and now it’s over. You didn’t win the genetic lottery and you know what? Nobody gives a fuck. Most guys didn’t. Take out that baby oil and shine that fucker up. Embrace that egg on your head and tell chicks your father is an arms dealer. That should do it.Hey Red Sox Fans,The only thing worse than a Mets fan is a Red Sox Fan, but the only thing better than making a Mets fan cry is to run over an idiot from Boston. Can't wait for you to visit again, losers.Hey