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place them at the end of the sentence; i.e. "On va bouffer quand?" [edit] Translating 'Fuck' The English term 'fuck' is exceptional as it can serve as noun, verb, adjective, exclamation, and others. There is no such equivalent usage of any word in the French language. Therefore the translation of 'fuck' into french depends fucking mother on the corresponding part of speech. [edit] Examples noun "He's a fucking mother great fuck" = "Il est bien baisable" (although 'baisable' = fuckable) "He is such a fuck(er)" = "C'est un enfoiré/enculé/connard/salaud" (insert fucking mother any insult) "He's such a fuck-up" = "C'est un pauvre con/un raté" verb sexual: baiser, niquer, coucher avec ; insulting: foutre, enculer "I fucked up on my French test" = "J'ai raté/niqué mon examen de français" "I fucked (up) my car" = "J'ai niqué ma bagnole" "He fucked me over" = "Il m'a trahi" "I fucked your mom" = "J'ai baisé/niqué ta mère" "Fuck off" = "Fous-moi la paix", "Fous le camp" (see the verb 'Foutre') "Fuck you"/"Go fuck yourself" = "Va te faire foutre/enculer"