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'Ce jeu nique tout.' (This game is gina mastrogiacomo great.) NEEK-ay Ouais 'yeah' (as opposed to "oui" = "yes") waay Putain n., excl. Roughly equivalent to 'merde' when used as an exclamation. gina mastrogiacomo As a name, old form for 'pute' (whore). 'Putain' is the closest equivalent to the English 'fuck' (see note on 'fuck'). pew-tAÑ Super adj., 'very', 'really' ; "Je suis super gina mastrogiacomo content" = "I'm really happy" soup-air Taff n. work, job, task taff Truc n. Stuff trew-uhk Tronche n. Colloquial word meaning 'face'. TRon-shuh Vachement adj., France, slang. Literally "cowly", vachement is a synonym for "very", and can be translated in some cases for the English adjective 'quite'. For instance - 'Il est vachement idiot' could be translated as 'He is quite stupid'. Whilst on the subject of 'vache', a popular French phrase is 'la vache!' which, as an exclamation, means 'damn!' or 'darn!'. For example - 'tu as perdu!' could be greeted with 'la vache!' or 'mince!' or other such expressions of discontent.