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You got out of line, you got whacked. Everybody knew the rules. But sometimes even if people didn't get out of line, they got whacked. I mean, hits just became my girlfriend a habit for some of the guys. Guys would get into an arguements over nothing, and before you knew it, one of them was dead. They were shooting each other all the my girlfriend time. Shooting people was a normal thing. It was no big deal." amadeguy.wav(221K) amadeguy.mp3(221K) Henry: "We had a-- We had a serious my girlfriend problem with Billy Batts. This was really a touchy thing. Tommy had killed a made guy. Batts was part of the Gambino crew and considered untouchable. And before you could touch a made guy, you had to have a good reason. You had to have a sit down and you better get an okay or you'd be the one who got whacked."