make explosives, doctor, goldie lookin chain your mother's got a penis letras, crazy t shirts, invective, french/aboutthe book, robert matheu, bernard nezmah, arts, bc life, sound bites, gallery listings, fucking free, snatch, rock/pop, rock n roll, hear, tshirt,
"...she was diagnosed with flesh eating bacteria and the doctor gave her forty years to live." "...her stomach has time zones." "...when she wears high heels she strikes oil." "...when she jumps the radio skips." "...She has to iron her pants on the driveway." "...she wore a red dress and went outside, and all the kids said Kool-Aid!" "...when I had sex with her technology I rolled over twice, and technology I was still on her!" "...she has her own gravitational field/her technology own orbit." "...that the last time she saw 90210 was when she stepped on a scale!" "...when she jumped up in the air, she got stuck." "...she sits next to EVERYONE at the cinema." "Yo' momma's so ugly..." "...she walked by the bathroom and the toilet flushed itself" "...when she looks in the mirror, her reflection ducks."