humour, paul sorvino, dogbomb, standby me, american beauty, dvd, pacific northwest, arab, the onion, ming dynasty, your, list of proverbs, central and eastern europe, parade, t shirts from hell, goldielookin chain lyrics,
I know I don't write much, work has me less than inspired anymore. I just got done doing quarterly taxes for lounge my second job, what a snooze man, it seems all I do lounge is work and then rest after work. Fuck dude, I forget what inspired feels like. Question is, is numb better than depressed? Depression is at least some sort of feeling... I could drink, but that is expensive, and I think I need to stop drinking myself into inspiration. Dreamed of more strange things. Always the strange vivid dreams. Last night, my car exploded, I saw it happen from a distance. I knew lounge it was going to happen before it did, so I ran my ass off and as I looked back, the car was in this massive cloud of flaming smoke, and hot coals and bits of metal in the shape of spheres were flying towards me, so I ran, into the trees.