We hear footsteps.  Ice-T 420.com jay z

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We hear footsteps.  Ice-T says, jay z "Uhhh, hi officer," and we know what's next: smoked pork.  And then, the album comes off on your fucking ass with, "Body Count's In the House."  The song is filled with screeching tires, sirens, and gunshots as the drums and guitars tear into your brain with a kick-ass apocalyptic attitude.  The song is so blatantly hard-core it becomes funny almost instantly, but it remains whole-heartedly serious and massive in its sound.  This jay z is the song to thrash to.  This is the song that makes you jay z wanna break stuff.  There are no lyrics to speak of.  It mostly consists of Ice-T saying such things as, "YEEEEAAAAAH MUTHA FUCKA!!!", "BODY COUNT NIGGA!!!", "AWWWW SHIT," and "YEAH GOD DAMN IT!!!"  He's literally just throwing out every intense word he knows of, and from all I can gather, he's sayin' 'em just to say 'em.  Actually, when he says, "YEAH GOD DAMN IT!!!"
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