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Poor girl, raising two babies and another on the joe pesci way.... 78. Posted by MP$40 on February 7, 2006 12:51 PM I'm joe pesci going to pretend that she wasn't really joe pesci driving but waiting in the car playing with S.P. until they left. 79. Posted by popcornsuite on February 7, 2006 12:55 PM I've read comments here and there from people defending Britney. That's almost as horrifying and disgusting as Britney's own actions. I don't have kids and even I know how unsafe it is for babies and kids to be not secured in a car. What the hell happened to common sense??? 80. Posted by baltogirl on February 7, 2006 01:01 PM Just want to thank all the posters. I spent the past hour trying to submit forms online (I heart the internet) and was able to keep myself entertained while waiting by refreshing this page. Agree with everyone that she's a colossal f***wit. As a health care provider, it's also nice to see everyone get hepped up about carseat use.