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HEAR! There are enough safety warnings parody and notices out there that Shit for Brains has no excuse whatsoever for FAILING MISERABLY TO TAKE PROPER CARE OF HER CHILD! 121. Posted by kw on February 7, 2006 04:01 PM #118, exactly! parody And besides, there are so many WAY MORE POPULAR stars with children that manage through their daily life....Madonna, Mel Gibson....i dont know, i think there are 100 i could list if i tried. So but, is she really pregnant again or was that a bs story? 122. Posted by nbk on February 7, 2006 parody 04:02 PM Enjoy the ride, Britney. Oh, and you better fasten your seatbelt. It is going to get bumpy from here. 123. Posted by longboorder on February 7, 2006 04:11 PM Objects in vehicle are dumberer than they appear!