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Excellent! Submitted by comicbookguy (user info) gene lebell at 2004-08-04 10:10:01 (#) Ranking: -1 low brow Submitted by GodChicken (user info) at 2004-08-04 10:09:02 (#) Ranking: -2 some of these have been amusing in the past. This one is just in poor taste. Took the joke too far. Submitted by gene lebell UniBrowZIT (user info) at 2004-08-04 10:06:07 (#) Ranking: gene lebell 2 Awesome. Why sound and music though? Submitted by polyamorousaj (user info) at 2004-08-04 10:05:38 (#) Ranking: 2 HAHAHAHAHAHA I thought there was chocolate inside ... Well, why was it wrapped in foil? -- Homer Simpson Mr. Plow Site and layout © 2006 Ubersite ® -- All material copyrighted by its respective copyright holder, dumbass Upcoming Events, SIG Schedule,News and Updates About HRSFA, Contact Info, Annual Events,Joining HRSFA (Why and How), T-Shirt Constitution History and Archives (Mailing Lists,Minutes, Non-Cons, Photos) Special Interest Groups Calendar About, Directions, Catalog Officer Board and Elections Wiki Links Non-Cons 2004 Disclaimer: The webmaster takes no responsibility for any errors in this document, which are entirely the fault of the Infernal Secretary.