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I ate it. Whatever it was he said, beck I'll second it. Nobody called on you! Only the mafia would... Least Effective Disguise Iroquois Pliskin Basket on Head Cody's Hat erasing the fucking category Length of "Eternal" HRSFA membership 3 1/2 inches until the heat death of the universe 4.7 mushrooms 12 parsecs HRSFA elections Little Girls Kartik Charles Chateau de Gimpy Valeur The Kant Thank heaven! Mad Scientist Jason Warren Magnet Lobster Dave The MAN Mike beck Cool Movie ZIG Kartik Ven-Fucking-Katram Klenoff, J.D. beck Martyr Matt Withers Kaitlin Jesus Christ suicide squad Gandalf the Grey Neo Trinity Mascot shark bird giant squid bear holding a shark Howard Dean llamas the Cheat Undead Elmo swimmy fish moose May or may not be my wife Moose Rebecca Miss HRSFA Mike Chris Mike and Chris Kartik Tony Dev Bill Mission Statement Kill the bastards. Mom Kaitlin Yuri Claudia A whore Kosh Giant Squid Cassia Most Convincing Argument This proof is trivial.