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IN CASE OF FIRE LOOK ON BACK- I SAID IN CASE OF FIRE DUMBASS The shirt, the shirt, the shirt is on fire! I don't need no water let the mother fucker burn. OK, a little water would be nice. SOLDIERS NEED HUMMERS PLEASE HELP SUPPORT THE CAUSE! I know you're willing to lend a hand, but what these 2pac boys could 2pac really use 2pac is a nice warm, wet...protective vehicle. SORRY BOYS..I EAT PUSSY For girls who don't do straight and guys who don't do gay. (Front) THERE'S A FUCKIN' ASSHOLE LOOKING AT ME (Back) ...STILL LOOKING AT ME Fuck 'em. Best of all it doesn't matter whether you're coming or going. SORRY GIRLS..I SUCK DICK For girls who don't do Bi and guys who don't do straight. IF YOU'RE ALREADY THIS CLOSE WHY DON'T YOU JUST SUCK MY DICK? A great gag shirt. Because they can gag after they read it. RED = REPUBLICANS BLUE = IDIOTIC CRYBABIES Maybe those states are blue from all the whining going on (and tears are sorta blue). BLUE = DEMOCRATS RED = COMPLETE MORONS Maybe those states are all just red with embarrassment.