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And meanwhile, the night of the funeral, you wanna know where Rhodes Scholar Vince is? Getting smashed at a basketball politics party and slapping girls politics asses. I mean, what is that? A charity A+? You wanna know why everybody always writes about their grandmothers dying? It's not because it's so traumatic. It's because it's a guaranteed A+! And you sit there all sentimental "Oh, Vince it was very powerful, very moving." No, it wasn't. You didn't care. Nobody cared. That's what grandmothers do. They die! Jakob Elinsky: Sometimes, guys have a hard time showing their emotions. Mary politics D'Annunzio: So, slapping my ass is a way of mourning his dead grandmother? Jakob Elinsky: [points to Mary's stomach] What did your mother say when you got that? Mary D'Annunzio: Um, she said, "Where did you get the money for that?" Jakob Elinsky: And? Mary D'Annunzio: What did I say or did I get the money? Jakob Elinsky: What did you say? Mary D'Annunzio: I said, "He likes me."