15 (1971).Pornographer Larry Flynt, celebrity gossip classic rock

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15 (1971).Pornographer Larry Flynt, representing himself before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1983 in a libel case, shouted, "Fuck this court!" during the proceedings and called the justices "nothing but eight assholes and a token cunt". Chief Justice Warren E. Burger had him arrested for contempt of classic rock court but the charge was later dismissed.In Colorado Springs, tavern owner Leonard Carlo classic rock had over 29 signs containing the word "fuck", including the slogans "Leonard's II Fucking Much", "No Fucking Children, Animals, classic rock Tabs or Checks!", and "No fucking tap or draw beer". Signs on the restroom doors read "Fucking Men" and "Fucking Women". Also, the top of Leonard's bald head was tattooed with the words "Fuck U. Leave Me the FUCK Alone."
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