Jim Olmeyer: Hello! We're movie wavs stars

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Jim Olmeyer: Hello! We're your neighbors from two doors down and we just wanted to welcome you to stars the neighborhood! [handing the Colonel stars a gift basket] Jim "JB" Berkely: Everything's from our garden, except for the pasta. Jim Olmeyer: Yes, it's from Fizzoli's, it's amazingly fresh, you just pop it in water and stars it's done! I'm Jim Olmeyer [shakes the Colonel's hand] Jim Olmeyer: And this is my partner Jim. Jim "JB" Berkely: Jim Berkely, but people call me J.B. [extends his hand to shake] Colonel Frank Fitts: Ah, let's just cut to it, what are you selling? Jim Olmeyer: Nothing, we just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. Colonel Frank Fitts: You said you're partners, so, uh what's your business? Jim Olmeyer: Well, he's a tax attorney. Jim "JB" Berkely: And he's an anesthesiologist. Ricky Fitts: I didn't mean to scare you.
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