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In fact, much of the film is spent on self-recrimination, with various characters coming to terms with the painful reality confidential of a situation that seems to have gone beyond anyone's ability to affect or control it. The fourth member of the party is Monty's girlfriend, Naturelle, a woman deeply confidential in love with the condemned man, who wishes he had gone straight before all this happened, yet who, during all the time she was with him, confidential was not averse to enjoying what Monty's ill-gotten gains were able to buy for her. All the characters, in fact, struggle with having to find that moral and ethical line over which they will not cross. As the most "noble" person of the group, even Jakob, the schoolteacher, is confronted with having to make that choice and take that stand. A lesser filmmaker would have used this plot setup as an excuse to fill up the screen with cheap melodramatics, screeching car chases, and endless dumb action sequences.