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So I'm working out on bryan gordon my porch (have I mentioned bryan gordon that I love my cellular modem?), because it's a really gorgous night, and I'm using one of bryan gordon those keep-the-bugs-away candles, right? Earlier, a mosquito flew into the flame and burned to death. Somehow I don't think that's what the folks at Off! had in mind. Comments: "I bet that looked and sounded cooool. *sizzle*" -D* [2003-06-16 12:46:52] (1 comments) Date: 2003-06-14 23:29:45 (Author: trav) Link: I really want one of these for Lauren. Comments: "I really want Lauren." -Nic [2003-06-15 22:27:18] (1 comments) Date: 2003-06-14 17:12:06 (Author: trav) Link: The corporate filtering system, which is the system that brought you (in my humble opinion) a piece of crap like "Mambo No. 5" and didn't let you hear the brilliant Cat Power record or the amazing new Sleater Kinney record*, obviously doesn't have good taste anyway.